Featured Artist: Haley Herridge

Collection: Featured Artist: Haley Herridge

I’m Haley, the recipe girl behind the “Kitchen Happy” meal plan and home chef, from Netflix’s Easy Bake Battle. I live in Arkansas with my amazing husband, Jake, my daughter Piper, and twin sons, Knox and Jett. I am so thankful to stay home to raise my sweet babies everyday and create recipe and lifestyle content for you in my little corner of the internet. It is a dream come true.

Cooking has always been a true love of mine. Ever since I could stand, I was on a bench beside my mom and grandmothers in the kitchen, and then the passion continued as I grew older. The little girl who always dreamed of cooking on TV made it happen in October of 2021. I had the opportunity to compete, and then win on Netflix’s Easy Bake Battle. A home cook competition, doing it all while 20 weeks pregant with my identical twin boys! I hope every recipe, tip, and glimpse of our life that I share will bring joy and value to your life. Thank you for being here!


shop haley's art

HH | City Mouse No. 5
HH | Mountain Escape
HH | Simplicity No. 5
HH | Happy Place No. 2
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